When I was young, I suffered from male pattern baldness. I had heard about the trials and tribulations of a bald man, but it was only when I myself bald that I realized the seriousness of this issue.
Bald at 3 weeks old |
It was devastating, I got weird looks all of the time, and felt that I just wasn't being respected. My dad even thought that I looked like Peter Boyle.
Thankfully, my hair grew back. But I'll never forget my days as a bald man. I'd like to take the time to throw a shout out to my favorite bald brethren, here is my Top 5.
1. Larry David: Writer, Comedian, Baldman advocate
2. Michael Jordan: When you start balding, just shave it all
3. Tom Colicchio: "the flavors are well-balanced and properly cooked..."
4. Homer Simpson: Cartoon dad
5. The Dalai-Lama: seems like a nice enough guy
Honorable Mention- Chip Kelly: visor or not, he's well on his way